Custom Dress Forms

What is a 3D scan dress form?

3D body scan and a custom form
3D-body scan and a custom dress form

Custom dress form is professional tailoring mannequin, made to represent a shape and size of a particular person.

Our dress forms are made from a 3D scan, which allows us to make a “copy” of a customer’s body. Not only the measurements will be accurate, but also all the curves and unique features of the scanned person will be captured. With our “perfectly-tailored” approach – you will have full control over the details – which ones to keep and which to omit. We will walk you through the process, share our expert advise and make sure that you are happy with your selections.

Who can benefit form using a custom made dress form?

Professional costume designers, tailors, home sewing enthusiasts, as well as customers who orders custom tailored or bespoke clothing can benefit form using custom dress forms.

For professional costume designers

our 3D scan dress forms provide an accurate representation of the body shape that they are working with. This allows them to create or style accurate costumes quickly and efficiently, saving them time and money. Notorious scheduling conflicts and last-minute changes become easily resolvable with the help of a “tailoring body double”.

For professional tailors and seamstresses who make custom clothing for their clients

our custom dress forms allow them to accurately tailor garments to the customer’s body shape, without the presence of the client. This eliminates any guesswork on the part of the tailor and ensures that their clients will be happy with the final product.

For people who order custom made clothes, such as celebrities or business people

our 3D scan dress forms can save a lot of time, spent of in-person fittings. Ordering garments that are tailored specifically to their individual body shape will be a lot more efficient and will enable a quicker turn-around. Custom dress form will bring our clients freedom from geographical borders, when it comes to ordering bespoke clothing!

Finally, people who sew for themselves

can easily do fittings for themselves, without the need for help from someone else (especially true for fitting the back) . With a custom dress form, it’s easily make adjustments to the pattern pieces and see how the garment will look in real life, on their unique body shape. This saves time, as it eliminates the need to constantly try the garment on to check the fit.

custom tailoring mannequin with removable arms and legs, made  from 3D body scan
Custom dress form with removable arms and legs, made from a 3D body scan

All in all, custom dress forms made from 3D body scans are revolutionizing the way that costume designers, tailors, and everyday sewers create clothing. These dress forms offer an unprecedented level of accuracy and precision, making it much easier to create perfectly tailored clothing that perfectly fits the body.

What is the material of a custom dress form?

We use closed-cell foam material. It is flexible, yet durable and resilient. It is also non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and resistant to water, oil, and mildew.

Is it “pinnable”?

Pins go in very easily, at any angle and any depth (no “surface pinning” needed!). At the same time the material is firm enough to hold the pins in place and support even heavy fabrics.

Pins are easily held in place on a custom dress form
Material of our dress forms allows to easily insert pins at any angle

Do you offer arms and legs for custom dress forms?
What are other options?

We offer truly customized solutions – not only the mannequin will have the shape, captured by a 3D scan, but also customers can choose from many various options.

Here are just a few examples: where to crop arms&legs, symmetry adjustments, shaping for corsets and many more features.

Our solutions can be implemented step-by-step: our dress forms are “modular” and can be build it up over time.
For example, you could start with a 3D body scan, later order a half of the torso form (bust or hips), later add the other half, then an arm or two, legs and so on.

More information about the ordering process

Medical Considerations

Preparing for a 3D scan

What to wear for a 3D scan

Please contact us for pricing information and for more details about the process