We offer stand-alone 3D-scanning service
Full body scan – what is typically included:
We take 3-4 scans during the appointment and select one to create the final 3D model. Scans capture geometry only. Color/texture is not captured.
The regular file output is .obj or .stl files, which are compatible with with most patter-making software packages.
(We use CLO3D in house for pattern-making and visualization).
Full body scan does not include details on hands, feet, head, face – only general outline is included.
Scan can be done with or without shoes.
Typical editing: general “smoothing” of undergarments lines; smoothing out of “dips and bumps” that are formed by the undergarments; minor tummy adjustment (up to 1/2″ on distance map);
Mesh optimization: from our original resolution of 3-5 millions polygons we bring it down to about 200,000. It is sufficient quality for designing/visualizing garment, and it will helps to optimize the speed of the designing process.
Examples of additional options for 3d scan files preparation:
Symmetry analysis and adjustments;
Additional digital sculpting;
Example: – waist-area adjustment for corset making (more than 1/2″ on distance map)
Basic rigging (roughly 15-20 bones);
Additional poses captured with 3D scan during the same appointment;
(Once avatar is rigged you will be able to change the pose. However the changes in the shape around the joints will not be represented in a precise manner unless you do some very elaborate rigging. With additional scanned poses you can have more accurate representation of the body in different positions).
Set of croquis from main 3D-model;
Additional scanned pose for croqui;
Quantitative analysis and visualization of the shaping (by taking several scans with and without shaping garments and then comparing the models).