We are excited to present a study:
What happens when you put a corset on?
Hint: the waist is not the only area that changes. The study focuses on immediate fitting-related implications of wearing a corset. In order to understand and quantify the changes of the body, we took multiple 3D scans with several types of corsets and compared it to scan without a corset. The resulting data was analyzed with precise distance maps and visualized with 2d and 3d graphics. The goal of this presentation is to help you gain understanding of adjustments to garments which will be worn with a corset. And these insights will help you with fitting issues beyond corseting.
These images are showing 3D body scans of the same person with (blue) and without (purple) a corset. Note how top of the stomach area extends forward with a corset. We can also see changes in the buttocks areas and underarms. Quite a few more, less obvious, insights will be presented in a Costume College class.
When and where: at Costume College
July 27 – July 31, 2023
Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel
6101 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045
Our presentation:
July 30, at 3:00 p.m.
About Costume College
Costume College is an annual three-day costuming arts conference created and produced by Costumer’s Guild West, Inc.
Costume College is a welcoming and non-competitive environment where attendees share and disseminate information/skills.
Costume College offers lectures, workshops and demos on all things costuming: from general sewing (pattern grading, setting sleeves, etc.) to historical construction methods (corsetry, petticoats, etc.) to time period overview classes to science fiction/fantasy costume construction.